Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement

No longer on display. Expired on 01 May 2020, 05:00 PM

The Draft Cabonne Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) sets out the 20-year vision for land use planning across the Cabonne Shire, outlining how growth and change will be managed. The LSPS identifies the unique characteristics of Cabonne and sets the economic, social and environmental land use direction over the next 20 years.

The plan works in conjunction with council’s Local Environmental Plan and Community Strategic Plan to give effect to the NSW Government’s Central West and Orana Regional Plan at a local level. The LSPS planning priorities, strategic directions and actions provide the rationale for the decision about how we will use our land to achieve the community’s broader goals.

The Draft Cabonne Local Strategic Planning Statement is currently on public exhibition until Friday, 1 May 2020.

Comments and submissions may be lodged in writing to the General Manager, PO Box 17, Molong NSW 2866 or by emailing Council at council@cabonne.nsw.gov.au by 5pm on Friday, 1 May 2020.