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22 December 2023, 05:00 PM
Following the devastating flooding that was experienced at Eugowra in November 2022, Cabonne Council has secured funding from the NSW Government to undertake a review and update of the existing flood risk management study and plan for the township.
The study is being undertaken by Council with funding assistance from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment which aims to build community resilience towards flooding through informing better planning of development, emergency management and community awareness.
The Flood Study is an important first step in the floodplain risk management process for this area and will be managed by Council according to the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Lands Policy.
The various stages of the Flood Study will be as follows:
Following the completion of the Flood Study Update, the consultants will undertake a review and update of the existing flood risk management study and plan for Eugowra (Flood Risk Management Study and Plan Update).
The Flood Risk Management Study and Plan Update will assist Council in further refining strategic plans for mitigating and managing the effects of the existing, future, and continuing flood risk at Eugowra.
An important first step in the process is to gather information on recent flood events and to appraise what flood related issues are important to the community.
A Community Questionnaire has been provided to residents and business owners to assist the consultants in gathering this important information.
All information provided will remain confidential and for use in this study only. Please complete the below questionnaire by Friday, 22 December 2023.
Click here to view the questionnaire